Four Circles is a simple but powerful exercise that has been used successfully by thousands of people to find greater harmony among the different parts of their lives.
18 questions that could change your life. Learn how you rate on the skills that bring the key principles of Total Leadership to life.
The “Four-Way View” gives you an understanding of how you are focusing your attention on your four domains of life.
In this widely read and often republished article, Stew Friedman gives a summary of the key ideas in his best-selling Total Leadership, with illustrations of what it takes to pursue sustainable change with practical experiments aimed at achieving four-way wins.
Stew Friedman wrote his best-selling Leading the Life You Want to counter the common myth that successful leaders must sacrifice everything else in their lives to achieve realize their career ambitions. This article powerfully summarizes that argument.
An historic 20-year Wharton study revealed that attitudes about work and family are radically different for those embarking on adulthood’s journey now compared to those in the early ‘90s. This manifesto describes how we must respond to the revolution in gender roles.
Pursue a meaningful life and improve your performance as a leader. Sign up for video and audio courses taught by acclaimed Wharton professor and best-selling author Stew Friedman. Gain the tools you need to develop your skills for leading in all areas of your life and creating greater harmony among them.