

In this program Stew Friedman or a certified Total Leadership Program Leader guides participants in an individual or small-group setting through the exercises of the program and in their use of a peer coaching network (if more than one participant) to support their progress.

This program can be delivered in person, virtually, or in an in-person and virtual combination. It includes a variety of engaging, interactive exercises and can also include peer-to-peer coaching (P2P). There are typically ten (10) one-on-one meetings with Dr. Friedman or a certified Total Leadership Program Leader, and the content and goals are in essence the same as our long form Total Leadership workshop.

Formats for professional coaching:

  • In person one-to-one private executive coaching
  • In person one-to-group coaching (from two to six participants)
  • Virtual one-to-one private executive coaching
  • Virtual one-to-group executive coaching (from two to six participants)

Stew Friedman shows you how to succeed in all areas of your life. From personal experience, I know the Total Leadership program delivers profound results for both individuals and organizations.

-- Harry Weiner, Co-Founder and Partner, On-Ramps


If you’d like to contact us about bringing Total Leadership to your organization, contact us.